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Oral Rehabilitation

Teeth can be lost for several reasons: dental caries, periodontal disease…

The loss of one or more teeth makes the teeth remaining work more than usual, generating overloads, rotations, inclinations…

Oral rehabilitation is the part of dentistry that restores and returns the aesthetic function to get a correct occlusion.

In our center we study the appropriate treatment for each patient through the most modern techniques of rehabilitation. At the same time, we establish a close working relationship with other disciplines such as dentistry, periodontics, endodontics and orthodontics.

The current techniques help us make these restorations using fixed prosthesis on teeth or dental implants in more than 95% of the patients, avoiding the use of removable prostheses, which are really uncomfortable.

Rehabilitació Oral | Centre Dental Cise | Dentistes de confiança a Figueres