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Hygiene and dental check-up

Dental hygiene

Professional dental hygiene goes further than the one done by patients at home.

 It consists in:

  • Dental hygiene to remove tartar and plaque from teeth
  • Dental hygiene to remove stains.
  • Polishing surfaces
  • Using interproximal dental floss
  • Assess the technique of dental hygiene and help the patient improve it.

This kind of professional cleaning is recommended for keeping both teeth and gums in perfect conditions. The main objective is to remove plaque and calculus or tartar.

The result: a sense of freshness and a renewed smile.

Dental check-up

Prevention is an essential part to maintain good oral health.

A dental check-up allows us to examine the entire mouth, including lips, gums, tongue, teeth and bones that support the teeth. We check whether there are any cavities, plaque or if the gum is in good condition.

It is recommended to carry out a dental check-up every 6 months.


Higiene oral | Centre Dental Cise