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Corporate catalogue

In this section we leave at your disposal our corporate catalogue, which you can consult and even download to keep up to date with all the information regarding our center.

Our history, treatments and services that we carry out, our philosophy and social mission, among others, as well as the differential elements of Centre Dental Cise. All at a single click.

In fact, we have been in the service of Oral Health for more than 40 years, maintaining as a hallmark the Trust and Integrity, vast Experience, Professionalism and Honesty, and Proximity. We care about what you really need … Your Health, the most important thing for you and for us!

We provide as added values ​​a perfect symbiosis between dentist and prosthetic, teeth service in a few hours, free courtesy vehicle, conscious sedation service especially indicated for patients to whom the visit to the dentist presupposes an added pressure and, as a differential element of the rest of dental clinics in the area, cutting-edge technology, including the TAC-3D which almost no dental clinic in the area has.

We hope you find it interesting!